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{{time}} supports two positional and several named parameters; none are required:

|<time zone> – the first positional (unnamed) parameter, specifies the time zone for which the template is to provide a time output. If omitted, the template displays UTC time. A time zone is identified by an abbreviation of the time zone's standard-time name. Do not use a summertime or daylight saving time abbreviation; they will be ignored and produce an error message.
|<df> – the positional (unnamed) version of |df= which see
|df= – date format; this parameter takes one of several values; values other than these are ignored:
|df=dmy – specifies day month year date format; time in 24-hour format; alias: |df=dmy24
11:16, 21 September 2024 MDT [refresh]
|df=dmy12 – same as |df=dmy except time in 12-hour am/pm format
11:16 am, 21 September 2024 MDT [refresh]
|df=mdy – specifies month day, year format; time in 24-hour format; default when a date format is not specified in the time zone's properties; alias: |df=mdy24
11:16, September 21, 2024 MDT [refresh]
|df=mdy12 – same as |df=mdy except time in 12-hour am/pm format
11:16 am, September 21, 2024 MDT [refresh]
|df=iso – renders the date/time in a form roughly adhering to the ISO 8601 format (seconds omitted)
2024-09-21T11:16 MDT [refresh]
|df=y – legacy {{time}} parameter, same as |df=dmy
|df=12 – time-only display 12-hour am/pm format
11:16 am MDT [refresh]
|df=24 – time-only display 24-hour format
11:16 MDT [refresh]
|df-cust= – custom time/date formats using the codes defined at mw:Help:Extension:ParserFunctions##time; yields to |df=
|df-cust-a= – custom time/date formats as above specifically for ante meridiem time; requires |df-cust-p=; yields to |df-cust=
|df-cust-p= – custom time/date formats as above specifically for post meridiem time; requires |df-cust-a=; yields to |df-cust=
|dst= – when set to no, disables the daylight saving time calculation for the time zone; other values ignored; useful for locations within a time zone that do not observe daylight saving time; Arizona, for example
|lang=<code> – displays time/date in language specified by ISO 639 language <code>
these parameters take only the value yes:
|dateonly= – suppresses time display
|timeonly= – suppresses date display
|hide-refresh= – suppresses the refresh link
|hide-tz= – suppresses the timezone abbreviation
|unlink-tz= – renders unlinked timezone abbreviation
|_TEST_TIME_= – a parameter that was useful during the development of the template's code. The value assigned to this parameter must be in ISO 8601 format without time zone designator and is interpreted by the template as UTC